Baily F. An Account of the Revd. John Flamsteed... (London, 1835).
Bigourdan G. Le jour et ses divisions. Les fuseaux horaires et 1'Association
Internationale de 1'Heure, Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes (Paris, 1914).
Bigourdan G. Les services horaires de 1'observatoire de Paris..., Bulletin
Astronomique, II 1921-22. Blair В.Е. (ed.) Time and Frequency: Theory and Fundamentals (US National Bureau of Standards, May 1974).
Brown L.A. The Story of Maps (New York, 1951).
Chapin S. A survey of the efforts to determine longitude at sea, 1660-1760, Navigation, 3, 7 (March 1953).
Corliss C.J. The Day of Two Noons (Washington 1941).
Cotter С. Н. A History of Nautical Astronomy (London and Sydney, 1968).
Cotter С. Н. Studies in Maritime History, I, A history of nautical astronomical tables (London, 1977, microfiche).
De Carle D. British Time (London, 1947).
Ditisheim P. et. al. Pierre Le Roy et la Chronometre (Paris, 1940).
Dowd C.N. (ed.) Charles F. Dowd, A.M., Ph. D. and Standard Time (New
York: Knickerbocker Press, 1930).
Ellis W. Lecture on the Greenwich System Time Signals, The Horological
Journal, 1 May 1865. Essen L. The Measurement of Frequency and Time Interval (HMSO: London, 1973).
Forbes E.G. The Birth of Navigational Science (Greenwich, 1974).
Forbes E.G. Greenwich Observatory, vol. i: Origins and Early History (London, 1975).
Forbes E. G. The Origins of the Roual Observatory at Greenwich, Vistas in Astronomy, 20 (1976).
Gazeley W.J. Clock and Watch Escapements (London, 1973).
Gould R.T. The Marine Chronometer: its history and development (London, 1923).
Guyot E. Histoire de la determination des longitudes (La Chaux-de-Fonds, 1955).
Guyot E. Histoire de la determination de 1'heure (La Chaux-de-Fonds, 1968).
HaswellJ.E. Horology (London, 1976).
Hope-Jones F. Electrical Timekeeping (London, 1976).
Howse D. Greenwich Observatory, vol. iii: its Buildings and Instruments (London, 1975).
Howse D. and Hutchinson B. The Clocks and Watches of Captain James Cook, 1769-1969 (Antiquarian Horology reprint, 1969).
Howse D. and Hutchinson B. The Tompion clocks at Greenwich and the dead-beat escapement (Antiquarian Horology reprint, 1970-1971).
Howse D. Le Bureau britannique des Longitudes, L'Astronomie, Oct. 1978,
Jespersen J. and Fitz-Randolph J. From Sundials to Atomic Clocks: understanding time and frequency, National Bureau of Standards Monograph 155 (Washington, DC, 1977).
Kieve J. L. Electric Telegraph: A Social and Economic History (Newton Abbot, 1973).
Laycock W. S. The Lost Science of John "Longitude" Harrison (Ashford, Kent, 1976).
Leigh-Browne F. S. The International Date Line, The Geographical Magazine, April 1942.
Lloyd H. A. Old Clocks (Tonbridge, Kent, 3rd edn. 1964).
McCreaW. H. The Royal Greenwich Observatory (London, 1975).
Maindron E. Les Fondations de Prix a 1'Academie des Sciences-Les
Laureats de 1'Academie, 1714-1880 (Paris, 1881).
Marguet F. Histoire de la longitude a la mer au XVIII° siecle, en France (Paris, 1917).
Maunder E. W. The Royal Observatory, Greenwich (London, 1900).
May W. E. A History of Marine Navigation (Henley-on-Thames, 1973).
May W. E. How the chronometer went to sea, Antiquarian Horology (March 1976).
Mayall R. Newton. The Inventor of Standard Time, Popular Astronomy, L, no. 4 (April 1942).
Mercer V. John Arnold and Son (London, 1972).
Michaelis A. R. From Semaphore to Satellite (Geneva, 1965).
Morando B. Le Bureau des Longitude, L'Astronomie, 90 (June 1976).
Neugebauer O. A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy (Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1976).
Pedersen O., Pihl M. Early Physics and Astronomy: a historical introduction (1974).
Perrin W. G. The Prime Meridian, Mariner's Mirror, XIII, no. 2 (April 1927).
Quill H. John Harrison, the Man who found Longitude (London, 1966).
Quill H. John Harrison, Copley Medallist, and the £20,000 Longitude
Prize (Antiquarian Horological Society, Monograph no. 11, 1976).
Rawlings A. L. The Science of Clocks and Watches (London, 2nd edn. 1974).
Sadler D.H. Man is not Lost: a record of two hundred years of astronomical navigation with the Nautical Almanac, 1767-1967 (London, 1968).
Sadler D. H. Mean Solar Time on the Meridian of Greenwich, Quarterly
Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 19 (1978).
Smith H. M. International time and frequency coordination, Proceedings of the IEEE, 60, no. 5 (May 1972).
Smith H. M. The Bureau International de 1'Heure, Proceedings of the 8th Annual PTTI Applications and Planning Meeting, Nov. -Dec. 1976.
Smith H. M. Greenwich time and the prime meridian, Vistas in Astronomy, 20 (1976).
Taylor E.G.R. The Haven-finding Art (London, 1956).
US Government, International Conference held at Washington for the purpose of fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day, October 1884-Protocols of the Proceedings (Washington, DC, 1884).
Waters D. W. The Art of Navigation in England in Elizabethan and early Stuart times (1958, reprinted Greenwich, 1978).
Weber G. A. The Naval Observatory, its History, Activities and Organization (Baltimore, 1926).
Wheeler G. M. Report upon the Third International Geographical Congress and Exhibition at Venice, Italy, 1881... (Washington, DC, 1885).
Далее приводится список литературы по главам, ссылки на которую даны в тексте в квадратных скобках; полное название и источники приведены здесь только для тех работ, которые не встречаются в общем списке литературы.
Предисловие автора
1. US Government, International Conference held at Washington October
1884-Protocol of the Proceedings, 199-201.
2. Там же, 199.
Глава 1
1. Neugebauer О. A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy, 934.
2. Stevenson E. L. (trans. & ed.). Geography of Claudius Ptolemy (New York, 1932), 28.
3. Neugebauer O. A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy (Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1975), 938.
4. Taylor E. G. R. The Haven-finding Art, London, 1956, 55.
5. Carte Pisane, хранится в Национальной библиотеке в Париже.
6. Например, Opus Almanach magistri lohanis de monte regio ad annos xviii explicit felicit. Erhardi Radolt Augusten Vindelicorum... Septembris M. cccc. lxxxviij [1488]. Это были альманахи с 1489 г. по 1506г.
7. Almanach noua plurimis annis Venturis inseruientia: per loannem Stoefflerinum Instingersen & lacoben Pflaumen Vlamensem accuratissime supputatia: & toti fere Europe dextro sydere impartita [1499].
8. MorisonS.E. Admiral of the Ocean Sea (Boston, 1942), II. 158-159, 162.
9. Там же, II 400-3, 406.
10. Canovai S. Viaggi d'Amerigo Vespucci... (Firenze, 1817), 57-58.
11. Werner J. In hoc opere haec cotinentur Noua translatio primi libri geographicae Cl'Ptolomaei... (Nuremberg, 1514).
12. Pedersen O., Pihl M. Early Physics and Astronomy, 258.
13. Werner J. In hoc opere haec cotinentur Noua translatio primi libri geographicae Cl'Ptolomaei... (Nuremberg, 1514).
14. Apian P. Cosmographicus Liber Petri Apiani Mathematici Studiose Collectus (Ingolstadt, 1524), ff. 30-1.
15. Gemma Frisius. Cosmographicus Liber Petri Apiani Mathematici, iam de nouo integritati restitutus per Gemmam Phrysium (Antwerp, - 1533), ff. XVv-XVIr.
16. Cuningham William. The Cosmographical Glasse, conteinyng the pleasant Principles of Cosmographie, Geographie, Hydrographie, or Nauigation (London, 1559), f. 107
17. Gemma Frisius. Gemma Phrysius de Principiis Astronomiae Coamographiae... vsv Globi et eodem editi (Antwerp, 1530), sigs. D2v-D3r. (Translation by Philip Kay.)
18. Gemma Frisius. De Principiis Astronomiae... (Antwerp, 1553), 65. (Translation by Philip Kay.)
19. Eden R. The Decades of the New Worlde... (London, 1555), f. 361.
20. Cuningham William. The Cosmographical Glasse, conteinyng the pleasant Principles of Cosmographie, Geographie, Hydrographie, or Nauigation (London, 1559), f. 110.
21. Сервантес Мигель де. Собр. соч. в 5-ти томах, т. 2. -М.: Правда, 1961.
22. Там же, т. 4, с. 87.
23. Gould R. T. The Marine Chronometer, 12.
24. Marguet R. Histoire de la Longitude, 45.
25. Brown L.A. The Story of Maps, 209.
26. Dreyer J.L. E. "Time, Measurement of, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edn., 984.
27. Kepler Johannes. Tabulae Rudolphinae... (1627).
28. Marguet F. Histoire de la Longitude, 7.
29. Guyot E. Histoire de la determination des longitudes, 11.
30. Sherwood Taylor F. An early satirical poem on the Royal Society, Notes and Records of the Royal Society, Oct. 1947, 37-46.
31. Histoire de 1'Academie Royale des Sciences, I (1668), 67-69. (There is a fuller account in Huygens, - Christiaan, Oeuvres..., XXII, 218-26) (Translations by Dr Barbara waines).
32. Там же, 67.
Глава 2
1. Kenyon J. P. The Stuarts, London, 1958 (Fontana Library edn. 1966, 123).
2. Bevan Bryan. Charles the Second's French Mistress (London, 1972), 53.
3. Dictionary of National Biography, XIII, 820-821.
4. Lawson Dick O. Aubrey's Brief Lives (Penguin English Library, 1972), 370-371.
5. Plumley N. The Royal Mathematical School within Christ's Hospital, Vistas in Astronomy (1976), vol. 20, pp. 51-59.
6. Baily F. An Account of the Revd. John Flamsteed..., 29-31.
7. PRO State Papers Domestic, Entry Book 27, f. 59.
8. Baily, 37-38.
9. Forbes E. G. The Origins of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, p. 48, note 17, discusses St. Pierre's identity.
10. Taylor E. G. R. Old Henry Bond and the Longitude, Mariner's Mirror,
25 (1939), 162-169.
11. Baily, CM. [6], 125-126.
12. Baily, 112. Copies in PRO/SP 29/368, ff. 299 and 44, p. 10.
13. Baily, CM. [6], 37.
14. Там же, 39.
15. Memorandum by Pell, 1675 (BL Add. MS. Birch 4393, f. 93V).
16. Forbes E.G. The Origins of the Royal Observatory... 39-48.
17. Baily, CM. [6], 126.
18. Howarth W. Greenwich: past and present (London, Greenwich, c. 1886), 84.
19. Baily, CM. [6], 112.
20. Howse Derek, Greenwich Observatory, vol. Ill: Its Buildings and Instruments, 5.
21. PRO/WO. 47/19b Baily.
22. Howse Derek, Hutchinson B. The Tompion clocks at Greenwich and the dead-beat escapement, 24.
23. Wren to Fell, 3 December 1681 [Wren Society, V (Oxford, 1928), 21-22].
24. R. Society MSS. 243 (F1).
25. Там же.
26. RGO MSS. 1, f. 22.
27. Horrox J. Opera Postuma... in calce adjiciuntur Johannis Flamsteedii, Derbiensis, de Temporis Aequatione Diatriba... (London, 1673).
28. RGO MSS. 36, f. 54.
29. Howse, Derek. Greewich Observatory, vol. III: Its Buildings and Instruments, 30.
30. Baily, CM. [6], 99.
31. Там же, 321.
32. Там же.
Глава 3
1. May W. E. The Last Voyage of Sir Clowdisley Shovel, J. Inst. Navig. 13 (1960), 324-332.
2. Lanoue, memorial of 1736, cited by Moriatty H.A. in article "Navigation", Encyclopedia Britannica, 9th edn. (1884), XVII, 258.
3. May W.E. The Last Voyage of Sir Clowdisley Shovel, J. Inst. Navig. 13 (1960), 324-332.
4. The Guardian, no. 107 (14 July 1713), 254-255.
5. Osborn James M. That on whiston by John Gay, Bibliographical Society of America, Papers, LVI (1962), 73.
6. The Guardian, CM. [4], loc. cit. 255-256.
7. Whiston W., Ditton H. A New Method for Discovering the Longitude both at Sea and Land (London, 1714).
8. Osborn James M. "That on Whiston" by John Gay, Bibliographical Society of America, Papers, LVI (1962), 74.
9. Swift Arbuthnot. Pope and Gay, Miscellanies, the Fourth Volume. Consisting of Verses by Dr. Swift, Dr. Arbuthnot, Mr. Pope, and Mr Gay (London, 1747), 145-146.
10. Rawson C. J. Parnell on Whiston, Bibliographical Society of America, Papers, LVII (1963), 91-92, citing BL. Add. 38157.
11. House of Common Journal, 17 (11 June 1714).
12. Act 12 Anne cap. 15 (13 Anne cap. 14 by modern notation). Quoted in full in Quill, Humphrey, John Harrison, the Man who found Longitude, 225-227.
13. Gould. The Marine Chronometer, 32-35.
14. Hobbs William. Broadsheet dated 15 Sept. 1714 in Flams teed MSS. vol 69, f. 160r.
15. Bull Digby. Letter to Commissioners dated 29 Sept. 1714, Flamsteed MSS. vol. 36, f. 116V.
16. Brewster Sir David. Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Discussions of Sir Isaac Newton (Edinburgh, 1855: Johnson reprint, 1965), II. 263.
17. Brewster Sir David. On Sir Christopher Wren's Cipher, containing Three Methods of finding the longitude, Report of the Twenty-ninth meeting of the British Association... held at Aberdeen September 1859 (1860), 34.
18. Bennett J.A. Studies in the Life and Work of Christopher Wren. PhD thesis, Cambridge University, 1974, 263-265.
19. Свифт Дж. Путешествия Лемюэля Гулливера. -М.: Детгиз, 1955.
20. Paulson Ronald. Hogarth's Graphic Works (revised edn., London and New Haven, 1970), I, 169-170.
21. Голдсмит Оливер. Ночь ошибок.-М.: Искусство, 1954.
22. Maindron Ernest. Les Fondations de Prix a 1'Academie des Sciences 15.
23. Там же, 23.
24. Там же, 17.
25. Marguet F. Histoire de la longitude, 85-87.
26. Chapin Seymour. A survey of the efforts to determine longitude at sea, 247.
27. Rrown. L.A. The Story of Maps, 186-190.
28. Phil. Trans. 37, no. 420 (1731), 145-157.
29. Dictionary of American Biografhy, IV, 345-346.
30. Bedini Silvio. Thinkers and Tinkers: Early American Men of Science (New York, 1975), 118.
31. Shepherd A. Tables for Correcting the Apparent Distance of the Moon and a Star from the Effects of Refraction and Parallax (London, 1772), Preface.
32. Halley E. A Proposal of a Method for finding the Longitude at Sea within a Degree, or twenty Leagues, Phil. Trans. 37, no. 421 (1731) 195.
33. Chapin Seymour. A survey of the efforts to determine longitude at sea 247-248.
34. Board of Longitude MSS. vol. V, 10-11, Minutes 6 March 1756 (RGO Herstmoneeux, henceforth cited as BL).
35. Forbes E.G. Greenwich Observatory, vol. I: Origins and Early History 120-121.
36. Maskelyne N. The British Mariners Guide (London, 1763).
37. BL 5/27 (4 Aug. 1763).
38. BL 5/39-40 (9 Feb. 1765).
39. Там же.
40. Royal Warrant of 4 March 1674/5.
41. The Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1767 (1766).
42. Например, Gould R.T. The Marine Chronometer (London, 1763).
43. BL 5/12v.
44. Act 3 Geo. Ill, cap. 14.
45. BL 5/30v.
46. Act 5 Geo. Ill, cap. 20.
47. Howse D. Captain Cook's marine timekeepers, Antiquarian Horology (1969), 190-205, reprinted as The Clocks and Watches of Captain James Cook, 1769-1969.
48. Beaglehole J. C. The Journals of Captain James Cook, II (London, 1961), 692.
49. Wales W., Bayly W. The Original Observations made... in the years 1772, 1773, 1774 and 1775... (London, 1777), 280.
50. May W. E. How the chronometer went to sea, 638-663.
51. Nivernois to Praslin, 21 March 1763; Praslin to Choiseul, 28 March 1763; Choiseul to Academie, 31 March 1763; Academic to Choiseul, 4 April 1763; extract from Academie register, 16 April 1763.
52. Chapin Seymour. Lalande and the longitude: a little-known London voyage of 1763, Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 32 (1978).
53. Camus to Morton, 2 June 1763; Morton to Camus, 3 June 1763.
54. Le Roy Pierre. Expose succinet des Travaux de MM. Harrison et Le Roy dans la Recherche des Longitudes en Mer et des epreuves faites de leurs Ouvrages (Paris, 1768), 34-35.
55. Ditisheim P. et al. Pierre Le Roy et la Chronometre, 100-1, quoting from Berthoud, Traite des Montres a Longitude... (Paris, 1792), and Berthoud to Minister of Marine, 26 Dec. 1765 (Bibl. Nat.: Nouv. acq. francais 9849).
56. Maindron Ernest. Les Fondations de Prix..., 21.
57. Marguet F. Histoire de la longitude, and Guyot, E., Histoire de la determination des longitudes.
58. Gould R.T. The Marine Chronometer, 86.
59. Lois Decrets. Ordonnances et Decisions concernant le Bureau des Longitudes (Paris, 1909), 1-15.
60. Morando B. Le Bureau des Longitudes, 279-294.
61. The Time-Ball of St. Helena, Nautical Magazine IV (1835), 658.
62. Nautical Magazine (London, 28 Oct. 1833), 680.
63. Neptune, The Time-ball at Greenwich, Nautical Magazine IV (1835), 584-586. Laurie P. S. The Greenwich Time-ball, The Observatory, 78, no. 904 (June 1958), 113-115; Howse Derek. Greenwich Observatory, vol. iii: Its Buildings and Instruments, 134-136.
Глава 4
1. Bigourdan G. Le jour et ses divisions... В, -840; Neugebauer О. А. History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy.
2. Bigourdan G. Le Jour et ses divisions... B8-9.
3. Joyce H. The History of the post office (1893), 283.
4. Airy G. B. Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors (1857), 15. Henceforward cited as Report...
5. Illustrated London News, 14 May 1842, 16.
6. PRO/RAIL 1005/235, f. 58, 3 Nov. 1840.
7. House of Lords Record Office.
8. PRO/RAIL 1008/95.
9. Booth Henry. Uniformity of Time, considered especially in reference to Railway Transit and the Operations of the Electric Telegraph (London and Liverpool, 1847), 4.
10. Там же, 16.
11. Smith H. M. Greenwich time and the prime meridian, 221.
12. PRO/RAIL 1007/393 (for L and NWR) and private communication from Prof. J. Simmons (for Caledonian R.).
13. Illustrated London News, 13, 23 Dec. 1848, 387.
14. Bagwell P. The Transport Revolution from 1770 (London, 1970).
15. KieveJ.L. Electric Telegraph: A Social and Economic History, 104.
16. Airy's journal (RGO MS. 621).
17. The Times, 23 Aug. 1852.
18. Ellis William. Lecture on the Greenwich System of Time Signals, 98-99.
19. VarleyC.F. Description of the Chronopher, 1864 (GPO Post Office Records-Post 81/46).
20. The Times, 19 June 1852.
21. RGO MSS. 1182/2.
22. RGO MSS 1181/3.
23. RGO MS. 1190.01.
24. При составлении этого списка использованы следующие источники: Ellis W. Lecture on the Greenwich System of Time Signals, April-July 1865, 85-102, 109-114, 121-124; Ellis W. Time Signalling: a retrospect, The Horological Journal, Oct. 1911, 21-23; Airy, Report (1868), 22.
25. Airy. Report (1868), 22.
26. Lecture on the Greenwich System of Time Signals, 123.
27. GPO/Post 30/E 9195/1888, file 2.
28. Shenton Rita, private communication, 21 March 1978.
29. Jagger Gedric, Philip Paul Barraud (London, 1968), 68-69.
30. Davies Alun C. Greenwich and Standard Time, History Today, 28(3) (March 1978), 198.
31. R[ussell] W.J. Abraham Follett Oster, 1808-1903 [1904].
32. The Times, 12 Jan. 1850.
33. Smith H.M. Greenwich time and the prime meridian, Vistas in Astronomy, 220 (1976).
34. Edinburgh Town Council, Minutes, 4 Jan. 1848.
35. Illustrated London News, 12, 12 Feb. 1848, 89.
36. Greenwich time, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 63 (March 1848), 354-61.
37. F [rodsham] С [harles]. Greenwich time: the universal standard of time throughout Great Britain (London, 1848), 11 pp.
38. Railway-time aggression, Chambers Edinburgh Journal, XV, no. 390, new series (217 June 1851), 392-5.
39. Illustrated London News, 3 Jan, 1852, 10.
40. The Times, 21 Nov. 1851, 3.
41. The Times 17 Nov. 1851, 7.
42. RGO MS, 1168/118-21.
43. Airy. Report (1853), 8.
44. The Western Luminary, 31 Aug. 1852 (RGO MS, 1181/132).
45. RGO MS. 1168/133.
46. Latimer J. The Annals of Bristol in the Nineteenth Century (Bristol, 1887).
47. The English Reports, CLVII, Exchequer Division, XIII (1916), 719.
48. Act 43 and 44 Viet, c., House of Lords Record Office.
Глава 5
1. Forbes E.G. Greenwich Observatory, vol. i: Origins and Early History (London, 1975), 150.
2. Airy. Reports (1855), 11; (1863), Appendix HI, 19.
3. Airy. Report (1867), 20, and RGO MS. 1187-1201.
4. Airy. Report (1867), 21.
5. Bigourdan G. Le jour et ses divisions. Les fuseaux horaires et 1'Association Internationale de I'Heure, Annuare du Bureau des Longitudes (Paris, 1914), B43 4n.
6. Corliss C.J. The Day of Two Noons (Washington 1941), 3.
7. Weber Gustavus A. The Naval Observatory, its History, Activities and Organization (Baltimore, 1926), 27-28.
8. Langley S. P. On the Allegheny System of Electric Time Signals. The American Journal of Science and Arts (1872), 377-386.
9. Carson, Mrs. Ruth, частное сообщение от 11 ноября 1968 г., цитируемое Dawd Charles N. (ed.), Charles F. Dawd.
10. Dawd, Charles N. (ed.), Charles F. Dawd. A.M., Ph. D. and Standard Time (New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1930).
11. Smith H. M. Greenwich time and the prime meridian, Vistas in Astronomy (1976), 222-223.
12. New York Herald, Sunday 18 Nov. 1883, 10.
13. Там же, 19 Nov. 1883, 6.
14. Popular Astronomy, Jan. 1901.
15. Detroit News, 26 Sept. 1938.
16. Rubio Jose Pulido. El Piloto Mayor... de la Casa de la Contratacion (Sevilla, 1950), 438-441.
17. Perrin W.G. The Prime Meridian, Mariner's Mirror, XIII, no. 2 (April
1927), 118.
18. Там же, 119.
19. Remarques sur les Observations astronomiques faites aux Canaries en
1724 par le P. Feuillee, Minime, Mem, de 1'Acad. Royale des Sc. de Paris (1742), 350-353.
20. Struve Otto. The Resolutions of the Washington Meridian Conference 85 [in RGO Tracts, Geodesy, 02016 (8)].
21. Comptes-rendus des Congres des Sciences Geographiques, Cosmographiques, et Commerciales tenu a Anvers du 14 au 22 Aout 1871 (Anvers, 1882), II, 254-255.
22. Borsari Ferdinando. II Meridiano iniziale e 1'ora universale (Napoli, 1883), 61.
23. Smith H. M. Greenwich time and the prime meridian, Vistas in Astronomy (1976), 222.
24. Fleming S. Uniform non-local time (Terrestrial Time) (Ottawa [1876]).
25. Mayall R. Newton. The Inventor of Standard Time, Popular Astronomy, L, no. 4 (April 1942).
26. Fleming S. Time-reckoning and the selection of a prime meridian to be common to all nations (Toronto, 1879).
27. Fleming S. Universal or Cosmic Time (Toronto, 1885), 33.
28. Там же, 31.
29. Там же, 35-38.
30. Memorandum of the Royal Society of Canada on the Unification of Time at Sea, Trans. R. Soc. Canada (1896-7), II, 28.
31. De Beaumont H. Bouthillier. Choix d'un meridien initial unique (Geneva, 1880).
32. Wheeler G. M. Report upon the Third International Geographical Congress... 1881... (Washington, 1885), 28-29.
33. Smith H. M. Greenwich time and the prime meridian, Vistas in Astronomy (1976), 224-225.
34. International Conference held at Washington for the purpose of fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day, October 1884 - Protocols of the Proceedings.
35. H [inks] A. R. Nautical time and civil date, Geographical journal, LXXXVI, 2 (1935), 153-157.
36. Norie J. W. A New and Complete Epitome of Practical Navigation ... (10th edn. 1831), 313.
Глава 6
1. Pasquier E. Unification of Time, in Journal of the British Astronomical Association, Nov. 1891, 107.
2. Bigourdan G. Le jour et ses divisions. Les fuseaux horaires et
1'Association Internationale de VHeure, Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes (Paris, 1914), В 60-68.
3. Decret no. 78-855 du 9 aout 1978 relatif a 1'heure legale francaise, Journal Officiel de la Republique Francaise, 19 Aug. 1978, 3080.
4. Bigourdan G.. Le jour et ses divisions. Les fuseaux horaires et 1'Association Internationale de 1'Heure, Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes (Paris, 1914), В 35.
5. Memorandum of the Royal Soc. of Canada... (ch. 5 no 30), loc. cit. 15.
6. Там же, 48.
7. Bigourdan G. Le jour et ses divisions. Les fiseaux horaires et 1'Association Internationale de 1'Heure, Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes (Paris, 1914), В 36.
8. Minutes of Conference on Time-keeping at Sea, London, June-July 1917 (MOD, Hydrographic Dept. MSS).
9. Sadler D. H. Mean Solar Time on the Meridian of Greenwich, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 19 (1978), 290-309.
10. Pigafetta Antonio. Diary, quoted in Stanley, Lord, of Alderley (ed.). The First Voyage round the World (London, Hakluyt Society, 1874), 161.
11. Leigh-Browne F. S. The International Date Line, The Geographical Magazine, April 1942, 305-306.
12. HellwegJ.F. United States Navy time service, Pub. Astr. Soc. Pasific, 52, 305 (Feb. 1940).
13. Bigourdan G. Les services horaires de 1'observatoire de Paris ..., Bulletin Astronomique, II, 1921-1922, 30.
14. Там же, 32-33.
15. Bureau des Longitudes, Conference internationale de 1'heure ... (Paris, 1912), Dt.
16. Smith H.M. The Bureau International de 1'Heure, Proceedings of the 8th Annual PTTI Applications and Planning Meeting, Nov. -Dec. 1976.
17. De Carle D. British Time, 152-157.
18. Wilson M. Ninth Astronomer Royal (Cambridge, 1951), 201.
19. Bigrourdan G. Le jour et ses divisions. Les fuseaux horaires et 1'Association Internationale de 1'Heure, Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes (Paris, 1914), B72-B73.
20. Esclancon E. La Distribution telephonique de 1'heure et Fhorologe parlante de 1'observatoire de Paris, Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes pour 1934, c. 6-11.
21. Ordnance Survey, History of the Retriangulation of Great Britain (1967), 92-101.
Глава 7
1. Smith H.M. The determination of time and frequency, Proc. IEE, 98, II, 62 (April 1951), 147.
2. Spencer Jones, Sir Harold. The Earth as a Timekeeper, Proc. R. Inst. GB, XXXIV, 157 (1950), 553.
3. Trans. Int. Astr. Un., X (I960), 489.
4. Proces-verbaux des Seances in Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 2e serie, Tome XXV, session de 1956 (Paris, 1957), p. 77. (Author's translation).
5. Blair B.E. (ed.). Time and Frequency: Theory and Fundamentals (US National Bureau of Standards, May, 1974), 93-95.
6. Comptes-rendus des Seances de la Treizieme Conference Generale des Poids et Mesures (Paris, 1968), Resolution 1, p. 103. (Translation in Blair, op. cit., p. 11.)
7. Smith H. M. International time and frequency coordination, Proceedings of the IEEE, 60, no. 5 (May 1972), 479-487.
8. Comptes-rendus des Seances de la Quinzieme Conference Generale des
Poids et Mesures (Paris, 1976), Resolution 5, p. 104.
9. Sadler D.H. Mean Solar Time on the Meridian of Greenwich, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 19 (1978), 290-309: this gives an excellent account of many of the events related in this chapter. 10. Decret no. 78-855 du 9 aout 1978, loc. cit. 3080.
Приложение I
1. Edwards Clinton R. Mapping by questionnaire: an early Spanish attempt to determine New World geographical positions, Imago Mundi, XXIII (1969), 21-22.
Приложение II
1. Howse Derek. Greenwich Observatory, vol. Ill: Its Buidings and Instruments (London, 1975).
2. Perfect D.S. The PZT of the Royal Greenwich Observatory, O.N. RAS (1959), 223-233.
3. Danjon A. L'Astrolabe Impersonnel de 1'observatoire de Paris Bull. Astron., XVIII (1954), 251.
4. Guyot E. Histoire de la determination des 1'heure, 117-119.
Приложение III
1. Howse Derek and Hutchinson B. The Tompion clocks at Greenwich and the dead-beat escapement (Antiquarian Horology reprint, 1970-1971.
2. Gazeley W.J. Clock and Watch Escapements (London, 1973).
Дополнительная литература
Завельский Ф. С. Время и его измерение. От биллионных долей секунды до миллиардов лет. -М.: Наука, 1977.
Селешников С. И. История календаря и хронология. -М.: Наука, 1977.
Время и частота. Под ред. Дж. Джесперсона, Б. Блейра и Л. Геттерера. -М.: Мир, 1973.
Бакулин П. И., Блинов Н.С. Служба точного времени. -М.: Наука, 1977.
Подобед В. В., Нестеров В. В. Общая астрометрия. -М.: Наука, 1982.
Пипуныров В. Н. История часов с древнейших времен до наших дней. -М.: Наука, 1982.